Just me...

Monday, April 11, 2005

Foreign Travel

I've recently been thinking about one of the major constraints of my current employment situation and the way I have to schedule time every time I want to do personal things. I thought about one of the biggest hinderences this causes and one of my revalations was that I could not travel as much as I would like to - due to scheduling restraints. I also thought that if I did have the time, where would I go? I thought that I really haven't been to very many places outside of the U.S. This is something I want to change and one of my goals. I went to Egypt last year and I keep thinking about how I am going to go back. I had the time of my life, but this is easy for me because I have family there and this makes the whole overseas travel thing easier. But that is a big trip to make and if I keep going back there, I've been thinking I really won't be able to visit other places, I think I should start venturing out more. So now I am going to make it a personal goal to try and visit a new foreign place any time I can find the time and resources to travel. I've been to Africa and the Caribbean (and if you count Tijuana, then Mexico lol). But that's about it. Here is the new goal, to try and visit, at the least, each continent. More incentive to break free from my corporate jail! Any one need a travel partner?:)


  • At 2:26 PM, Blogger Jez Chill said…

    Careful, don't be like me & Geckogirl. Once you get that travel bug, then then you'll have to travel all the time! If you have the resources, or not. I suggest you make Europe your next trip.

  • At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    like tumbler and tipsy days hopefully we will remain in high spirits. well, good day


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